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Autoslalom 2006


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Muuten... ainakin vanhan Chryler Neon:n lohko sattumoisin on samaa (Pentagon-koodinimi) sukua/alkuperää kuin mikä on nykysessä uudessa Minissä... ja tästähän on siten herännyt ajatuksia "joillekin", notta kuinkahan 2.0 litran lohko istuisi Miniin 1.6 lohkon sijaan (->tuskin).


jatketaas offtopiccia:


Tollanen osu silmiin surffaillessa.


Rover ja Chrysler sopivat yhteistyöstä uuden moottorin suunnittelusta ja valmistuksesta. BMW joutui tekemisiin Chryslerin kanssa ostettuaan Roverin.



"The Mini's current gasoline engine is built in Brazil by Tritec, a BMW-Chrysler joint venture. But it has an unsophisticated, heavy design with serious power delivery and fuel consumption deficiencies, BMW sources say."



The new engines have a single overhead cam, aluminum heads, and four valves per cylinder, and were being designed for Chrysler and Rover "mini-cars" which were to be introduced in model year 2001. The goals were a simple, durable, and robust engine which will meet Euro III emissions standards, have superior fuel economy without sacrificing power, and be appropriate for European and South American markets.


UK nettilehti

Current MINIs use Chrysler engines, which was a reasonable enough idea at the design stage when the car was being developed by Rover but became a less comfortable arrangement when BMW took over the project.



When BMW reintroduced the Mini to the United States in 2002, it got just about everything rightexcept, maybe, the engines.


The new Mini, dubbed Mini 2 by some, will stick with the same four-cylinder 1.6-liter capacity, but the BMW design will be a higher-tech mill than todays iron-block Tritec engine, which was designed in double-quick time by Chrysler.

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jatketaas offtopiccia:

Joo... ja vielä kerran jatketaan ;) (lähde)... "The 1.6 liter gasoline engines used in the MINI are built in Brazil by Tritec Motors Ltda., a joint venture company formed in 1998 by BMW AG and Chrysler Corporation (before they merged with Damilier Benz). The Tritec engine is sometimes called the Pentagon engine, perhaps because this is the name of the system which controls the engine assembly line in Oxford. These engines are also used in Chrysler Neons sold outside the US".

  • 3 viikkoa myöhemmin...

Ei näy Heppua osanottajaluettelossa  ::)


Muistin koko jutun vasta nyt ja ei olis muutenkaan motivaatio riittänyt ajohommiin. Katotaan nyt kerkeenkö käydä kattoon kisoja ... kuvia ei taida viittii ottaa, kun edellisestä niitä tuli "pilvin pimein".

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